Monday 10 December 2012

More "walkabouts" will become available in the near future.I have to dig out my Father Christmas costume,feed the reindeers,and raid the cooking sherry first. Seasonal greetings to all.

Friday 30 November 2012


Thats it, back to normality,the cold,and a wedding and Christmas,I have had a very interesting break and I must congratulate my personal tour director on a superb job. "Queenie" planned it,organised it and made sure I kept up,I am the bell boy and ships cat. I have to bow to her superior knowledge of the far east and south east Asia.
There were many highlights and experiences,we have washed elephants in the north ofThailand,watched the setting sun over the Andaman Sea,visited the islands where a James Bond film was made,travelled all over Bangkok by various forms of transport.We have been to Malaysia,and we have been to the top of the Petronas building,very high and extremely impressive. In all a wonderful experience,British Airways lost my baggage on the way home and I was at Heathrow with only a shirt and lightweight trousers, 6 degrees was a shock, but hours later a car turned up from B.A. with my bag and clothes,whoopee! "Queenie" is tired and so am I , we can now have something of a rest,to get over our holiday.
i hope you have enjoyed our first effort at a blog,we have enjoyed trying to make it work,sometimes in difficult circumstances,

Thursday 29 November 2012


Economy Class

Business Class
The last lookaround.


The flight home not scheduled until 0030 Bangkok time which means more sight seeing in the early part of the day,and a later check out from the hotel.We went for a very long walk around Bangkok in 30 plus degrees, and it is not raining. The idea was to visit the Royal Barges museum,after hours of walking we found it only to discover is was closed! We were confronted by two guys wanting 500 barts to get us out of where we were,in an alleyway system next to the river!they did not get paid,and we were happy to get back to the main roads,signs in Bangkok are few and far between,and they are all written in Spaghetti as usual. We eventually used the river and the skyrail and retuned to the hotel.
Bangkok Airport is superb,modern and efficient,but, very expensive,any thoughts of purchases in the Duty Free were dismissed,prices generally have gone through the roof.I blame the Russians as usual! The flight back was delayed taking off,and not worth too much comment.On arrival at LHR my case was missing!I spent some time filling in lost bag reports and a customs report,just what is needed after a 13 hour flight.Eventually got the train from London to Margate that was also delayed and took 2hours 45 mins.
Back home without my case, and only the clothes I stood in,super,feels like I have been hit with a hammer,and my goose bumps have clumped together for warmth,6 degrees!!!!

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Photos from yesterday,2nd try

Sorry another failure in sending the photos.Major issues with the wifi being accessed.Will update asap.

Monday 26 November 2012

Pictures Bangkok and the river.

There is someone somewhere on this open zone messing about, thank you. Ill send Pictures when I am at a better location or time.

Bangkok iver day

Hi guys,its green today so you no who  is writing!Today we got a day ticket to go up the Chao Phraya river ,hopping on and off as we wished.The river runs through the middle of Bangkok and the scenery is very mixed with luxury hotels side by side with deprived areas.This is very usual here and the hotels seem to accept this as normal. No space is wasted. The vista included.lots of religious buildings in glorious gold and red.lots of wats and markets.We did the whole river then went to the Grand Palace which is stunning. We luckily have visited before but there were so many Japanese tourists groups it was impossible to gain access to get any photos.You really couln't move,what with the influx of the Russians and the Japanese, Thailand is full!

The river taxis are over stuffed with people and the ticket collector on one of them had the loudest, highest screechiest voice you have ever heard,Alan of course asked her to speak up which caused everyone to laugh.

We have become quite expert on traversing across Bangkok on the various forms of transport.I think our favourite  is still the sky train.So clean, lots of space and modern.

Think Alan forgot to mention the horrendous dog fight we witnessed yesterday when we went out of  of Bangkok.Five dogs involved and was very ,very aggressive. Thankfully the dogs were fighting each other and not us. I was terrified and just rooted to the spot.Alan thinks he is good with old ladies,children and dogs but not this time. Station staff used brooms to try and separate them  but all I could think of was why didn't I have my rabies jabs. I could see all the symtoms in the dogs of course! Everyone inlcuding the locals kept well back and that just increased my anxiety.So pleased when then train arrived, even though we had to cross the track just before..Today has been 34c , our last full day here.
Having some problems sending. photos but will try.

Sunday 25 November 2012

Some pictures


The pictures will be sent later as I am experiencing some interfereance from some source within this area.apologies.


Today being Sunday we decided to take a local train and look at the Bangkok the tourists do not normally see. The day was again very warm and humid finishing in the electrical storm that we are now getting used to.
There are a few differences of opinion between "Queenie" the tour guide and myself.Thailand is naturally beautiful particularly around its coastline.In my view some of the areas behind the large towns shows a massive difference in the standards of living.The cultural bit is impressive,the hi tech bit is very impressive,what is not in my view impressive is the lack of basic standards and hygiene afforded to the obviously very poor people. Thailand is no longer cheap and the Russians have pushed up the prices of almost everything.I would guess the money is not filtering down to the poorer people,nor on poorer infrastructures.There is a massive imbalance,and people in the U.K. should be thankful for what they have.
There are people here living in shacks amid rubbish a few feet from the railway,and children and dogs wandering on the tracks,its incredible,at the other end of the scale the shopping centres in the main towns are splendid by any standards. As usual, the religious buildings are outstanding,but one rusted tin roof is very much like another,my view is that Thailand may suffer in the future without a different plan.I will include some different pictures of Thailand for you to look at,the ones that do not come from the tourist offices.

Saturday 24 November 2012

A small glimpse of Bangkok driving

I did consider hiring a motorbike,then the man said,"Insurance"? not needed, you break it you buy it! There is a bit of a scam going on here,beware hotels hiring scooters,motorcycles, etc..can you imagine the situation if one had a bad accident.Some hotels act as agents for hirers,it could be chaos and financial disaster,let the train take the strain! Oh yes and they are supposed to drive on the left,but that is only theory.There are no old people crossing the road,they dont make it,but it is a nice little temple in the middle of the traffic!Drivers are flat out in first and second gear,then the horn takes over,oh wow!


Having survived the overnight trip to Bangkok from Krabi I now feel the need not to suggest this mode of transport to anyone that may consider it. There is a great deal of deception in the description of the transport arrangements.In my carefully considered opinion,forget it!
Today we have been travelling around Bangkok by using the Skytrain system and the MRT (Mass rapid Transport).In short it is brilliant! clean,modern,fast and economical.The fact that the resident tour operator( Queenie) nor I, speak or read Spaghetti pays homage to the clear and precise Mapping which is obviously a copy of the london underground mapping. Count the stations and thats it,work out the juctions and its done.
Forget any thoughts of Taxis,Tuk Tuks,or mopeds,the traffic is suicidal,and walking is not really an option,the paths are an absolute disaster,breaking up,badly made and yet the new building is very good. We went to I.T.City,which is the temple to current electronic development,all the major manufacturers are there and it covers,computers,cameras,audio,TV, security systems, and you name it, its there.The centre is five floors high and massive, it taught me how much I did not know!I havent mastered an abacus yet,and some of the kit would even baffle a six year old. I understand there have been riots in Bangkok today, but we have not seen nor been involved in any of them.This evening there has been a noisy electrical storm and pouring rain,at least it is warm.! So freeze on you lot,ho, ho,

Thursday 22 November 2012

Overnight bus

Well what can I say except it was character building.Our main reason for taking the bus was door to door service and not having to keep changing ,taxi,to bus to train etc with a delay between bus and train.The first van arrived looking like a chicken run on wheels,broken windscreen etc. This took us to a jungle clearing (they called it a bus station),see pictue, make your own mind up.Finally after a further 2 more hours in the scorching heat a super duper touring bus arrived.Yippee.After travelling for 2 hours we were told to get off the bus and wait for another one.No explaination and their english understanding our questions disappeared.amazing.another bus arrived looking very much like the 1st one but seating and space were diabolical.

At 01.30 hrs we made a stop at a large roadside something or other.Can't begin to tell you how awful this place was especially the loos.They were insisting we eat but there was know way we would have anything that didn't come in it's own tin.Couple of cold drinks and we were outa there.the driver had been fairly steady but was doing a good impression of Sebastion Vettal for the last 10 miles.We think he was running out of hours.We were then dumped on the pavement at 6am near nothing.We had a vague idea of where our hotel was so when they tried to say very far away,we bluffed it and said not so,or something akin to that.!!!!

Hotel lovely,made us coffee and sorted out a room for us early(extra half a day to pay of course).Well worth it.We are now going to explore and eat.think we would have been better with our original plan.!!!

Wednesday 21 November 2012

The Hottest Day Yet!

Today we are waiting for the bus that will take us to a bigger bus,then all night to Bankok. Today it is very hot and no breeze,another two hours of this and Ill be ready for eating.Last night the "mossies" had a feast on my ankles yet again,little horrors!
We are now all packed and ready to roll,by the time the bus arrives I have no doubt I will have melted by 6kg. "Queenie" is reading her Kindle and seems quiet and content,she is sitting nearer the fan, is there no justice? The update will be when we get to Bangkok.


Our last full day in AuNang, Bangkok tomorrow on the overnight bus! sad to leave and herewith memories of the last sunset over the Andaman Sea. Now for four days in Bangkok,unsure of tour guides plans, she,ll probably sell me for a discount price in the night market.

all taken within 15 minutes.If you wish to enlarge any blog picture left click on the picture.

Monday 19 November 2012

Some additional piccys for "J.B." Day.


James Bond Island Day

Hi Guys,sorry we didn't do much writing yesterday,kinda shattered.We had a long but amazing day..We  wanted to go by speed boat but not enough people booked so it was a/c van and longtail boat.about 2hours of travelling each way but the scenery was gorgeous. You can get a feel from the couple of pictures yesterday.We were in the Andaman sea surrounded by islands,caves,and simply stunning wheever you looked. So worth the long day. Another of yesterdays pictures shows the place we had lunch. a restuarant and gypsy village on stilts..complete sit down meal, not buffett.

If you have seen the film Man with the Golden Gun you can picture it all,we stood on the bay where the aircraft came through the islands and landed on the beach, the steps the midget came down with the drinks and the rock which had the lazer beam and the reflectors etc. No different after 39yrs. Amazing the Thais are still making money out of us visiting.Surprisingly all nationalities know about JB.Our bus was mainly Russian!!!! and a swiss couple.

We also went canooing ,can't describe how fab that was around the caves,through low over hanging stalagtites and into beautifu  lagoons.If we had the weather at home I might take it up,it was so good.

We oted out of the Golden Budha visit as was surrounded  by monkeys and didn't want any nasty diseases just before a  wedding.The  day ended with a nature walk up multi steps to a waterfall and a lagoon for swimming.Now you know why we were shattered ,all that and the multi getting on and off the long tail boats all day,sometimes quite hairy,3 foot drops that looked  like 10 feet.Sometimes we had to cross 0ne boat to get to another and I found myself straddling two boats and acting very nonchalent.

Will try and add some more piccys from yesterday.

Absolutely Shattered.

Just a couple of lines tonight from the office boy.Firstly,went to James Bond Island,yesterday I gave you wrong information,the Bond film was in fact,"Man with the Golden Gun" and not Dr No,silly me.Tonight all you are getting is a couple of piccys,"queenie" to take over tomorrow.

Sunday 18 November 2012

SUNDAY " Day of rest"

Yeah right,thats what I thought, instead,a long walk in 31 degrees.I have learned a lot from my tour guide and she is sacked as from today! Tomorrtow "Queenie" has arranged a trip to James Bond Island,and a kyak trip,guess who will be doing the paddling through the mangroves.I never learn,tomorrow "queenie" will be doing the blog as I have a feeling I will be totally knackered! In fact I am starting my own business, see piccy!

Saturday 17 November 2012


Slow start today,breakfast in a place called the Swiss Chalet
which produced a normal English breakfast,no grass in a bowl of water nonsense.Went for walkabout went the wrong way and found another quiet super beach.Went swimming for a couple of hours.
"Queenie" attracted some scandinavian nutcase who turned out to be a yoga guru,he was about 90 and looked like a runner bean.He was an Arsenal footy supporter so he was not completely crazy.
Last night "Queenie went into the bathroom,so did a Gecko,(I dont know how to spell that word!) Queenie came out at some speed with an instruction, "Get that thing out!" Have you ever seen a gecko move? 100 mph over the floor,walls and ceiling! but, "Queenie" moves faster!

Friday 16 November 2012

Slow connection and chaos,very trying!

An attempt to get some piccys on!

Not good at all,sorry,treat the duplicate as 3d!

Ok so it is green writing so you know who is writing this one.
Today is not a smarty pants day more of a wet look.We took a long tail boat to Railey for breakfast ,which is beautiful.Hopefully  pictures after this blog.Internet connection not so good and keeps dropping out so he will do his best with the piccies.

After a few hours of beach and sea we walked to another famous beach with caves (and monkeys).All very beautiful.

The russians have definitely landed.alan blames them for everthing from nicking the pool thermometer(later found) to the hike in prices to giving him a stiff neck from looking at the near naked ladies. Thongs are big business in Russia.the tattoos are quite something as well,and that is just the females.

Getting on and off the longtail boats is as good as a swim. Stopping 100yards off shore means you get very wet and it can be quite tricky.I was already a mess sowasn't worried too much.

We plan to visit the James bond island in a couple of days and half a day kyaking.
Bye for now,over to my director to sort the piccies out.

Thursday 15 November 2012