Friday 30 November 2012


Thats it, back to normality,the cold,and a wedding and Christmas,I have had a very interesting break and I must congratulate my personal tour director on a superb job. "Queenie" planned it,organised it and made sure I kept up,I am the bell boy and ships cat. I have to bow to her superior knowledge of the far east and south east Asia.
There were many highlights and experiences,we have washed elephants in the north ofThailand,watched the setting sun over the Andaman Sea,visited the islands where a James Bond film was made,travelled all over Bangkok by various forms of transport.We have been to Malaysia,and we have been to the top of the Petronas building,very high and extremely impressive. In all a wonderful experience,British Airways lost my baggage on the way home and I was at Heathrow with only a shirt and lightweight trousers, 6 degrees was a shock, but hours later a car turned up from B.A. with my bag and clothes,whoopee! "Queenie" is tired and so am I , we can now have something of a rest,to get over our holiday.
i hope you have enjoyed our first effort at a blog,we have enjoyed trying to make it work,sometimes in difficult circumstances,

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