Saturday 24 November 2012


Having survived the overnight trip to Bangkok from Krabi I now feel the need not to suggest this mode of transport to anyone that may consider it. There is a great deal of deception in the description of the transport arrangements.In my carefully considered opinion,forget it!
Today we have been travelling around Bangkok by using the Skytrain system and the MRT (Mass rapid Transport).In short it is brilliant! clean,modern,fast and economical.The fact that the resident tour operator( Queenie) nor I, speak or read Spaghetti pays homage to the clear and precise Mapping which is obviously a copy of the london underground mapping. Count the stations and thats it,work out the juctions and its done.
Forget any thoughts of Taxis,Tuk Tuks,or mopeds,the traffic is suicidal,and walking is not really an option,the paths are an absolute disaster,breaking up,badly made and yet the new building is very good. We went to I.T.City,which is the temple to current electronic development,all the major manufacturers are there and it covers,computers,cameras,audio,TV, security systems, and you name it, its there.The centre is five floors high and massive, it taught me how much I did not know!I havent mastered an abacus yet,and some of the kit would even baffle a six year old. I understand there have been riots in Bangkok today, but we have not seen nor been involved in any of them.This evening there has been a noisy electrical storm and pouring rain,at least it is warm.! So freeze on you lot,ho, ho,

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