Thursday 29 November 2012


The flight home not scheduled until 0030 Bangkok time which means more sight seeing in the early part of the day,and a later check out from the hotel.We went for a very long walk around Bangkok in 30 plus degrees, and it is not raining. The idea was to visit the Royal Barges museum,after hours of walking we found it only to discover is was closed! We were confronted by two guys wanting 500 barts to get us out of where we were,in an alleyway system next to the river!they did not get paid,and we were happy to get back to the main roads,signs in Bangkok are few and far between,and they are all written in Spaghetti as usual. We eventually used the river and the skyrail and retuned to the hotel.
Bangkok Airport is superb,modern and efficient,but, very expensive,any thoughts of purchases in the Duty Free were dismissed,prices generally have gone through the roof.I blame the Russians as usual! The flight back was delayed taking off,and not worth too much comment.On arrival at LHR my case was missing!I spent some time filling in lost bag reports and a customs report,just what is needed after a 13 hour flight.Eventually got the train from London to Margate that was also delayed and took 2hours 45 mins.
Back home without my case, and only the clothes I stood in,super,feels like I have been hit with a hammer,and my goose bumps have clumped together for warmth,6 degrees!!!!

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