Thursday 22 November 2012

Overnight bus

Well what can I say except it was character building.Our main reason for taking the bus was door to door service and not having to keep changing ,taxi,to bus to train etc with a delay between bus and train.The first van arrived looking like a chicken run on wheels,broken windscreen etc. This took us to a jungle clearing (they called it a bus station),see pictue, make your own mind up.Finally after a further 2 more hours in the scorching heat a super duper touring bus arrived.Yippee.After travelling for 2 hours we were told to get off the bus and wait for another one.No explaination and their english understanding our questions disappeared.amazing.another bus arrived looking very much like the 1st one but seating and space were diabolical.

At 01.30 hrs we made a stop at a large roadside something or other.Can't begin to tell you how awful this place was especially the loos.They were insisting we eat but there was know way we would have anything that didn't come in it's own tin.Couple of cold drinks and we were outa there.the driver had been fairly steady but was doing a good impression of Sebastion Vettal for the last 10 miles.We think he was running out of hours.We were then dumped on the pavement at 6am near nothing.We had a vague idea of where our hotel was so when they tried to say very far away,we bluffed it and said not so,or something akin to that.!!!!

Hotel lovely,made us coffee and sorted out a room for us early(extra half a day to pay of course).Well worth it.We are now going to explore and eat.think we would have been better with our original plan.!!!

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