Monday 26 November 2012

Bangkok iver day

Hi guys,its green today so you no who  is writing!Today we got a day ticket to go up the Chao Phraya river ,hopping on and off as we wished.The river runs through the middle of Bangkok and the scenery is very mixed with luxury hotels side by side with deprived areas.This is very usual here and the hotels seem to accept this as normal. No space is wasted. The vista included.lots of religious buildings in glorious gold and red.lots of wats and markets.We did the whole river then went to the Grand Palace which is stunning. We luckily have visited before but there were so many Japanese tourists groups it was impossible to gain access to get any photos.You really couln't move,what with the influx of the Russians and the Japanese, Thailand is full!

The river taxis are over stuffed with people and the ticket collector on one of them had the loudest, highest screechiest voice you have ever heard,Alan of course asked her to speak up which caused everyone to laugh.

We have become quite expert on traversing across Bangkok on the various forms of transport.I think our favourite  is still the sky train.So clean, lots of space and modern.

Think Alan forgot to mention the horrendous dog fight we witnessed yesterday when we went out of  of Bangkok.Five dogs involved and was very ,very aggressive. Thankfully the dogs were fighting each other and not us. I was terrified and just rooted to the spot.Alan thinks he is good with old ladies,children and dogs but not this time. Station staff used brooms to try and separate them  but all I could think of was why didn't I have my rabies jabs. I could see all the symtoms in the dogs of course! Everyone inlcuding the locals kept well back and that just increased my anxiety.So pleased when then train arrived, even though we had to cross the track just before..Today has been 34c , our last full day here.
Having some problems sending. photos but will try.

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