Thursday 8 November 2012

Arrived in KL

Hi,it is me again.Yesterday we had a really good day at the elephant sanctuary.The scenery was magnifiscent and the day was thought provoking.We really got down amongst the elephants and it was better than a safari as we had such close contact.After some tuition and safety rules we fed them and later bathed them in the river.A good day.Some sad stories about how they came to be there.
Early start today Air Asia A320-200 series(that bits for you Steve) air bus to KL.Our apartment is superb ,very large and everything in it you could want.We can cook if we want but think it will only be breakies.
We are just 5 minutes from the twin towers which has an amazing shopping centre .
Alan now knows why I said dont forget your credit card!Quite a spectacular site when we left the shopping centre as twin towers and lots of other very tall  buildings were all lit up. Think New Years Eve could be good here!
We are on 17th floor and swimming pool, sauna, jacuzzi,gym etc are on 18th,bit of good planning I think.
Hope the photos are ok as we had a few problems in getting them onto the laptop.So much to do here we are going to have to be selective.I am sure we will manage.Weather is hot and sticky but we had a short violent thunderstorm earlier.Bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't sound like you're missing the grey, cold, overcast days particularly. Feeling rather envious.

