Monday 12 November 2012

Hot Rain

I think I have probably lost it,I am sitting on the roof on the 18th floor next to an infinity pool,it is 32 degrees and lashing down with rain.
"Queenie" has lost it for certain,she is in a hot tub! There is a muslim lady with a complete penguin outfit on,in mafia black,she has been swimming in this get up,she has lost it!The guy with her is very furry,even more than usual,maybe she is as well,who knows,maybe we have all lost it!
We have been sorting out a flight to "Krabi" in Thailand.39000 feet is better than hours of driving with this lot.Seemingly if you can get 17 and the family dog on a moped,a choir in a car,a driving licence is presented to you on a stick.The Chinese have to carry48 chickens on a bike against the traffic - easy.
Now a lady has arrived to take the towels,if she thinks my bottom can stand the heat she is wrong,I am out of here! hold on, "Queenie" has fallen over getting out of the hot tub,very spectacular.she is now into self diagnosis and self healing for a bruised elbow and swelling finger.
Yesterday,I saw a rat come out of a drain,it looked very nervous,it probably had a price on its head of about 22 ringets in "China Town"  The good bit is the toast is probably free. 

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