Friday 9 November 2012


K.L could not be more different to Northern Thailand,instead of temples(Wats) we have massive skyscrapers and and a nightmare of a road system,with more cars than bees in a hive.To actually cross the road is an achievement,and to arrive in one piece is a miracle. The small spaces between cars are taken up with Mopeds by the hundred.
The town is really designed for the female of the species,park anywhere and anyhow and shops that make London look like a village,every major player is here,but it is not cheap,there are a few guys in the shops with eyes that are glazed over with imminent brain death, The buildings are brilliant, and the Petronas towers are massive and far better than the pictures, The London Shard is but a splinter in comparison.
I have discovered that tomorrow I am able to watch my footie team,Arsenal live on television,whoopee! guess who will not be going round the shops!When in Chaing Mai I found a perfect location next to the hotel at Banthai Village for a James Bond film,There was a temple next to the hotel with figures that in the dark were capable of frightening even the brave, so different from this place which is very 21st century.

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