Saturday 10 November 2012


Over to me as Alan is just off to the 7/11 shop to get a beer to watch Arsenal live at 2300hrs which is a 1500hrs kick off in UK.To clarify all writing in green is me and anything in blue is Alan, plus he is doing all the photos.

Today we tried again to go up the Patronas towers but were not lucky.We do have tickets for tomorrow morning so will be going up all 427 metres of it .Should be a good view.Chosen the morning as we are experiencing major storms late afternoon and the top of the towers are then in mist.

China town was interesting,felt a little uncomfortable and left quite quickly and went up market  for some coffee and cake.Sat chatting to a very interesting(female) vet from Afganistan who is here for a conference.Markets are not my thing.Bought a purple and sparkly bag in the night market in Chiang Mai,back at the hotel it is still purple and sparkly but also gaudy+++.My motto is whats in the market, stays in the market .Minimal shopping done just the above gaudy bag and a elephant sanctuary bag.Here the shopping is either tat or very high designer.Had planned to xmas shop but not doing well so far.

Lots of eating places and last night we had a BBQ mixed grill at an Indian place ,made a change from curries!

Leaving here middle of  next week will be hard as our accomodationis so good.Football starting soon,cant wait!!!

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