Tuesday 6 November 2012

Carols got hold of the blog at last

Hi guys,at last I have prised the computer from his hands and its my turn to update you.It is hot,hot,hot and hard to imagine the weather at home..Lots of walking today, more cultural stuff ending up at the pool for a wind down.
We have eaten every thing from vegetarian to really  hot curries and Alan is all riced out.Think steak food parcels would be welcome.I sense a weight loss coming on,but that cant be all bad.Looking healthy but having to keep out of the sun at the moment.
Tomorrow we are off to an elephant sanctuary for the day.Alan cant wait!!!!!If he is good and nice to the elephants he may go to Thai boxing in the evening and the following morning we are off to Kuala Lumpur via an internal flight.Think the suntan will start from there.
Our accomodation here is a typically Thai type hotel,teak wood with lots of greenery,orchids and bamboo trees.Two small pools ,ok for keeping cool but not serious swimming.
Thats all for now folks,gonna get Alan to add a photo or 2.

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