Wednesday 7 November 2012


What can I say,yesterday temples and women with pointed heads and numerous arms,today, Elephants,oh yes, elephants. Out at 0800 back at 1800,three hour round trip to an elephant sanctuary. An interesting day but I thought one of the high points was a stray dog that attacked the video display because it presumably recognised a rival on the screen,dogs really do watch T.V. ! All of the elephants were rescued from horrendous happenings in the past,there were a couple of baby elephants that were very appealing, The problem is they eat ten percent of their body weight per day, at Tescos prices it is quite an expense. The sanctuary has fantastic scenery and no fences.
We were very fortunate in meeting the founder of the sanctuary,who is a tiny lady but very lovely and she is doing a fantastic job. We have an early start in the morning as we are flying south to Malaysia,Kuala Lumpa,

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